How2Make Epic, Cool, and Delightful Instant Noodles

by coderserif

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Noodles are great and also very yummy

Instant noodles are great quick snacks. Although not the healthiest, they still are enjoyable ones that make you satisfied. As long as you eat like bread with it I don't know.

This page will be divided to 3 sections, cup noodles, soup noodles, and dry noodles

even your internet can't handle sweet goodness of noodles
image by Pixabay. Your average instant noodles

Instant Cup Noodles

Typically, cup noodles are very easy to make. They usually have soup. You will need:


    fancy kettle
  1. boil water with your kettle. I'm more used to electric kettles so it might be different for you.
  2. image by Pixabay.

    cup noodles. it's so good you are missing out
  3. while your kettle boils, open your cup noodle lid halfway
  4. image by Pixabay.

    noodles again dang it so much noodles I can't type this anymore
  5. there should be some seasoning packets in the cup as well as a fork. open the seasoning and put in on the noodles. If there is no packet, you can skip this step
  6. image by Pixabay.

    more noodles. as you expect
  7. after the boiling, insert the hot water into the cup noodles. There should be a line in the cup to tell you where to stop. If there isn't, the water should be just a few inches above the noodles.
  8. image by Pixabay.

  9. wait for 3 minutes, stir, and enjoy

Instant Noodle Soup

This is your average type of instant noodle. It is fast and easy. They have soup, just like cup noodles. Some don't have soup, but we'll cover that in the next section. You will need:


    boiling water and yeah
  1. get your pot and fill it with water. then heat it until it is boiling. this water will eventually be your soup, so put whatever's right for you.
  2. image by Pixabay.

    more noodles but this time it is in a pot!
  3. once the water starts boiling, put your noodles in. be careful of the heat!
  4. image by Pixabay.

    still more noodles
  5. when you see that your noodles aren't packed together anymore, you can pour the seasoning into the water and noodles.
  6. image by Pixabay.

    it is more noodles
  7. after a few minutes, get a bowl and pour all of it in. you now have some noodles great job
  8. image by Pixabay.

Instant Dry Noodles

This type of noodle is more common in eastern culture and are as good as the other ones. They are unique in which you don't need soup. The flavor is in the noodles itself. You will need:


    boiling water and yeah
  1. get your pot and fill it with water. then heat it until it is boiling.
  2. image by Pixabay.

    more noodles but this time it is in a pot!
  3. once the water starts boiling, put your noodles in. it gets very hot so be careful
  4. image by Pixabay.

    it's just more noodles
  5. once the noodles are separated and not packed together, grab your strainer and dump the noodles in the strainer. make sure the strainer is above a sink!
  6. image by Pixabay. pretend these noodles aren't spaghetti ok I couln't find another image

  7. now, put the instant noodle seasoning on a plate
  8. couldn't find an image

    the last noodle
  9. after that, put the noodles on the plate. mix the seasoning and the noodles. now, you finally have your instant noodles.
  10. image by Pixabay.

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