How2Make an epic and cool and delightful Omelette

by coderserif

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I like omelettes because they are good and tasty mmm yum yum

Omelettes are a very nice choice of breakfast. They are healthy and keep you active. They can include all sorts of food. Not just egg, but meat and veggies. I will show you how to cook them.

i just like them

there should be an image of a yummy omelette but your internet won't load.
image by Pixabay. Your omelette will never be as good as this just saying




  1. crack open your eggs and put all of its contents in your bowl
  2. mix your eggs together with your fork. keep mixing until the eggs has completly turned orange
  3. now, season that mix with salt and pepper
  4. now its time to heat your pan. the fire should be pretty small to medium.
  5. when the pan is relatively hot, put the butter on the pan and lubricate the pan. (you'll know the heat's enough when you put your hand on top of the pan and it gets a bit hot)
  6. after the butter melts and it has been put all over the pan, pour your bowl of mixed eggs on the pan
  7. wait for about a minute. you can spend this time practicing opening eggs with only 1 hand. I can't do that
  8. after a minute, fold the omelette in half with your spatula. the omelette should look like a half circle.
  9. now, you should move the omelette a bit, so it doesn't stick to the pan too much. you should also flip the omelette if you want
  10. finally, when the omelette's yellow and solid, grab the omelette with your spatula and put it on a plate.

enjoy your omelette now. best served with whatever you want. maybe bacon

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