serif home

serif home ♥

links: youtube itch github twitter


welcome to my website!!!

website update: i made a new website lol

click here to look at it... or dont i understand if you dont


hi my name is serif. welcome to the really cool website.

i enjoy making all sorts of things. ive dipped my toes in art, music, coding and animation! .

im not sure what i want to be or pursue. hopefully all four! if not, probably just art then

on the left, you can see many cool arts of me

random gif i put here for no reason


main stuffs: blog comix musics kazuha website


older websites

recipes: omelette noodles

games: red panda game tanong mo sa pagong gd secret vault

generators: wario dies generated yo mama jokes

misc: big shot tutorial my FAVORITE GAMES!!! stupid timer java playtest

hosted on github pages